From 1976 Scamdemic to COVID-19 Plandemic - Part I
Dick Cheney and the Ford Assassination Attempts, the Project Artichoke Cover-Up and the 1975 Halloween Massacre
In the post-Watergate Administration of President Gerald Ford, back when Dick Cheney still had enough hair to pull off a convincing comb-over, he and Donald Rumsfeld were involved in a plot to hand Americans’ tax dollars to their favorite corporations right over our dead bodies: the 1976 Swine Flu Scamdemic.
This event brought us into the modern era. In the years since, pharmaceutical companies have perfected the racket associated with military contractors: staging paradigm shifting events have become a marketing strategy for the roll-out of new products traumatized taxpayers can be convinced to pay for.
The 1976 Swine Flu Scamdemic marked the first time the U.S. government would treat a pharmaceutical company to an all-expenses-paid boondoggle, first shelling out $134 million for Merck’s vaccines and then paying more than $83 million dollars to the Americans killed or injured by them. The whole story is in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s The Real Anthony Fauci.
The backstory is here. It begins in 1975 with two attempts on President Ford’s life. The details of the assassination attempts, the political context in which they occurred, and their impact, are essential to understanding how a corporation like Merck could rise to such power that it could get away with orchestrating a get-rich-quick scamdemic where American taxpayers would pay, some with their lives.
Nineteen-seventy-five was the year that Congress, grappling with fall-out from the Watergate burglary and Nixon’s resignation, cracked opened a can of worms that threatened to reveal, among other things, the CIA’s involvement in the Kennedy assassinations. As Nixon-Ford Secretary of State Henry Kissinger muttered about CIA Director William Colby, “Every time Bill Colby gets near Capitol Hill, the damn fool feels an irresistible urge to confess to some horrible crime.”
President Ford might have let this go on, but after his life was threatened in two separate attacks in September, the same month two additional assassination plots were foiled, and a car was allowed to hit his limousine in October, he surrendered to the palace coup led by Assistant to the President Donald Rumsfeld and his Deputy Dick Cheney.
Ford let them reorganize his cabinet, and it was during this Halloween Massacre that George H.W. Bush stepped out of the shadows to take control of the CIA. According to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, Bush had worked for the CIA since “1960 or 1961, using his oil business [Zapata] as a cover for clandestine activities.”
The 1975 Bush-Rumsfeld-Cheney coup was bloodless, but the CIA covered its involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy with a pile of dead bodies, including mob boss Sam Giancana’s. He was murdered in the summer of 1975 right before he was due to testify before Congress. The Giancana family later published a book, Double Cross: The Explosive Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America, that detailed how he conspired with the CIA to murder JFK.
Meanwhile, Cheney helped the CIA devise a limited hangout involving LSD to divert the nation’s attention. In doing so, he inadvertently cracked open the door to the assassination-related secrets of CIA scientist Sidney Gottlieb with his germ warfare, deadly poisons, mind control operations and Manchurian candidates.
The Bush-Rumsfeld-Cheney power grab connects the trio to Deep State crimes past and future, from Prescott Bush’s involvement in the 1933 Business Plot to assassinate President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to 9/11 and the anthrax attacks of 2001.
When the 1976 Swine Flu Scamdemic and COVID-19 is placed on this timeline, the rhymes of history appear in what happened to Ford right before the Halloween Massacre, what happened to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle and Judiciary Committee Chair Patrick Leahy, nearly murdered via anthrax engineered in U.S. weapons labs, right before having to make history-making decisions on the Patriot Act and investigating 9/11, and what happened to Trump, nearly impeached, right before COVID-19.
Who was behind the threats to Ford’s life?
My spidey sense that Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney might have had something to do with the threats to Ford’s life is backed up by books that suggest the gunwomen may have been controlled by the FBI, CIA or government-linked mobsters.
Michael Milan, in his book The Squad: The U.S. Government’s Secret Alliance with Organized Crime, says there was a contract out on Ford. He claims he knew this because a Mr. X ( likely Meyer Lansky) had offered him the job, but he had refused and then reported the threat to a contact within the government:
…a few months later, it was all over the news that Lynette Fromme had tried to shoot Ford at close range when he was in Sacramento. And two weeks later, Sara Jane Moore made another attempt. Mr. X had done it after all.
Sara Jane Moore was an FBI informer and "a product of the very operations that were supposed to have foiled subversion,” according to Sid Blumenthal’s 1976 book Government by Gunplay: Assassination Conspiracy Theories From Dallas to Today.
Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, a devotée of Charles Manson. Tom O’Neill gathered evidence for his 2019 book CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties that:
1) the Manson Family were the subjects of a CIA MK-Ultra-style op;
2) the abusive Roman Polanski should have been a suspect in the death of his pregnant wife Sharon Tate, and
3) military/CIA-connected mobsters were involved the Tate–LaBianca murders.
Tom O’Neill describes Polanski’s treatment Tate as “a marriage in which he exuded an almost casual cruelty toward his wife.” One of the things found at the crime scene that prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi withheld from evidence at trial was a tape filmed by Polanski of Tate being forced to have sex with two other men. In 1977, Polanski was arrested and charged in Los Angeles with unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl, including rape by use of drugs, perversion and sodomy. He has since been accused by several other women of similar crimes.
If the Manson Family was part of a CIA MK-Ultra-style op, what does this say about a Manson girl taking a shot at President Ford?
The involvement of the FBI and CIA in the lives of Sara Jane Moore and Lynette Fromme is eyebrow-raising, but no hard evidence has emerged proving they were under the control of the government at the time of their assassination attempts. That’s not to say that such evidence doesn’t exist. The judges in Fromme’s and Moore’s cases ordered all evidence and all reports that were in evidence and were used in their trials to be sealed.
What does Cheney’s “CIA Suicide” cover-up reveal?
Before the assassination attempts, in the summer of 1975, while working as President Ford’s White House liaison to the CIA, Dick Cheney began work on the cover-up of the 1953 murder of CIA bioweapons scientist Frank Olson.
Olson’s family had started raising questions about his suspicious death. He had supposedly thrown himself through a New York City hotel window in the presence of a CIA colleague. To prevent the truth from getting out, Dick Cheney helped craft the “CIA Suicide” limited hangout that suggested Olson killed himself several days after a bad LSD trip at a CIA retreat in Maryland.
As Eric Olson later proved through an autopsy of his father’s exhumed body and exhaustive research into his work for the CIA, it is clear that Frank Olson was murdered to prevent him from revealing the numerous secrets he was privy to.
Among those secrets was Project Artichoke, a CIA mind-control operation investigating methods for breaking the will and manipulating the mind to elicit obedience, extract information or erase memories.
One goal of Project Artichoke was to create a patsy for an assassination attempt that would be “a ‘trigger mechanism’ for a bigger project.” A 1954 memo asked, “Can an individual … be made to perform an act of attempted assassination involuntarily under the influence of ARTICHOKE?” The memo outlined a project where Artichoke techniques would be used to assassinate "a prominent [redacted] politician or if necessary, [an] American official." The memo continued, “After the act of attempted assassination was performed, it was assumed that the SUBJECT would be taken into custody by the [redacted] Government and thereby ‘disposed of.’ …Whether the proposed act of attempted assassination was carried out or not by the SUBJECT was of no great significance in relation to the overall project.”
What were Artichoke techniques?
Frank Olson found out when he visited the CIA’s Camp King interrogation center in Germany, north of Frankfurt where the top-secret CIA headquarters were located in the I.G. Farben (now Bayer/Monsanto) building. Camp King’s chief physician was General Dr. Walter Schreiber, former medical chief of the Wehrmacht, followed by Dr. Kurt Blome, the former Deputy Surgeon General of the Third Reich and its biological weapons expert. Blome was tried at Nuremberg for testing the effects of deadly germs on human beings in Dachau and other concentration camps. He should have faced death by hanging like other Nazi war criminals, but his life was saved so he could continue his work for the U.S.
The Camp King “team would enjoy the opportunity of applying ‘Artichoke’ techniques to individuals of dubious loyalty, suspected agents or plants and subjects having known reasons for deception.” That meant Soviet agents and defectors from East Germany, people the CIA considered to be Communist spies.
Special Teams, the CIA’s “rough boys,” interrogated the prisoners, while the Nazi concentration camp doctors ran the brainwashing “experiments” using drugs, hypnosis and torture, with no regard to whether their subjects survived.
When Olson returned, he told a colleague he was horrified by what he had witnessed.
Were Lynette Fromme & Sara Jane Moore Project Artichoke subjects?
The 1954 memo on using Artichoke techniques to create a patsy for an assassination attempt that would be “a ‘trigger mechanism’ for a bigger project” sounds an awful lot like what happened in September 1975.
Neither Fromme nor Moore ever claimed to be the subjects of government mind control.
Other women did come forward, claiming they were victims of military scientists who used Artichoke-style techniques in attempts to turn them into government-controlled assassins.
Christine DeNicola testified before the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experimentation on March 15, 1995:
Dr. Green [Dr. L. Wilson Green, scientific director of the Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Center] was using me mostly as a mind-control subject from 1966 to 1973. His objective was to gain control of my mind and train me to be a spy assassin. The first significant memory took place at Kansas City University in 1966. Don Ebner took me there by plane when my mom was out of town. I was in what looked like a laboratory, and there seemed to be other children. I was strapped down, naked, spread-eagle on a table, on my back.
Dr. Green had electrodes on my body, including my head. He used what looked like an overhead projector and repeatedly said he was burning different images into my brain while a red light flashed aimed at my forehead.
In between each sequence, he used electric shock on my body and told me to go deeper and deeper, while repeating each image would go deeper into my brain, and I would do whatever he told me to do.
I felt drugged because he had given me a shot before he started the procedure. When it was over, he gave me another shot. The next thing I remember, I was with my grandparents again in Tucson, Arizona. I was four years old.
You can see from this experiment that Dr. Green used trauma, drugs, post-hypnotic suggestion and more trauma in an effort to gain total control of my mind. He used me in radiation experiments, both for the purposes of determining the effects of radiation on various parts of my body and to terrorize me as an additional trauma in the mind-control experiments.
The rest of the experiments took place in Tucson, Arizona, out in the desert. I was taught how to pick locks, be secretive, use my photographic memory, and a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to myself.
Dr. Green moved on to wanting me to kill dolls that looked like real children. I stabbed a doll with a spear once after being severely traumatized, but the next time, I refused. He used many pain-induction techniques, but as I got older, I resisted more and more.
He often tied me down in a cage, which was near his office. Between 1972 and 1976, he and his assistants were sometimes careless and left the cage unlocked. Whenever physically possible, I snuck into his office and found files with reports and memos addressed to CIA and military personnel.
Included in these files were project, sub-project, subject and experiment names with some code numbers for radiation and mind-control experiments, which I have submitted in your written documentation.
I was caught twice, and Dr. Green ruthlessly used electric shock, drugs, spun me on a table, put shots in my stomach and my back, dislocated my joints, and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal.
Because of my rebellion and growing lack of cooperation, they gave up on me as a spy assassin. Consequently, the last two years, 1974 to 1976, Dr. Green used various mind-control techniques to reverse the spy assassin messages, to self-destruct and death messages.
His purpose. He wanted me dead, and I have struggled to stay alive all of my adult life, all of my adult life. I believe it is by the grace of God that I am still alive.
These horrible experiments have profoundly affected my life. I developed multiple personality disorder because Dr. Green's goal was to split my mind into as many parts as possible so he could control me totally. He failed. But I've had to endure years of constant physical, mental and emotional pain even to this day.
Dick Cheney is alleged to have been involved in the use of Artichoke-style trauma-based mind-control techniques. Gerald Ford knew an alleged victim of Artichoke-style mind-control.
Cathy O’Brien says in her 1995 book TRANCE Formation of America that in the summer of 1975 she was delivered to Dick Cheney’s Greybull, Wyoming hunting lodge for his version of “A Most Dangerous Game.” The man who was later known for shooting a friend in the face literally hunted her down, then terrorized, tortured, beat and raped her. After that, O’Brien says Cheney was one of her handlers. Outside of his own brutal perversions, he directed her use in official Hands-On Mind Control Demonstrations for military audiences and prostituted her to heads of state.
O’Brien says that it was “Mafia porn king and U.S. Representative Jerry Ford” who brought her into what she says was an MK-Ultra project known as Monarch in exchange for her father’s release from prosecution for child pornography.
I might have ignored Cathy O’Brien’s account had I not learned that President Gerald Ford is also linked to another alleged Artichoke-style mind control victim, Candy Jones. She was married (1946 to 1959) to Ford’s friend and business partner Harry Conover.
Ford and Conover were male models at the John Robert Powers agency. When Conover opened a competing agency in 1939, Ford and his girlfriend Phyllis Brown joined and Ford invested as a silent partner.
The star of the Conover modeling agency was Jessica Arline Wilcox. She joined the agency in 1941 when she was just 16. That was the last year that Ford worked as a model for Conover.
By 1943, using the professional name Candy Jones, she was the highest-paid model in the industry, earning $35 an hour, and the first to be featured on the covers of 11 magazines at one time. When Conover left Jones in 1958, she took over the business, renaming it the Candy Jones Career Girl School.
That’s when the programming described in Donald Bain’s 1976 book The Control of Candy Jones began. The Mind Manipulators author Alan W. Scheflin says that William Joseph Bryan, the same doctor who programmed Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan, and was a technical consultant for the film The Manchurian Candidate, was her programmer.
In a 1971 issue of Science Digest, Dr. George H. Estabrooks described work he did for the U.S. military to program hypnotized operatives like Candy Jones:
....One of the most fascinating but dangerous applications of hypnosis is its use in military intelligence. This is a field with which I am familiar though formulating guide lines for the techniques used by the United States in two world wars.
Communication in war is always a headache. Codes can be broken. A professional spy may or may not stay bought. Your own man may have unquestionable loyalty, but his judgment is always open to question.
The "hypnotic courier," on the other hand, provides a unique solution. I was involved in preparing many subjects for this work during World War II. One successful case involved an Army Service Corps Captain whom we’ll call George Smith.
Captain Smith had undergone months of training. He was an excellent subject but did not realize it. I had removed from him, by post-hypnotic suggestion, all recollection of ever having been hypnotized.
First I had the Service Corps call the captain to Washington and tell him they needed a report of the mechanical equipment of Division X headquartered in Tokyo. Smith was ordered to leave by jet next morning, pick up the report and return at once. Consciously, that was all he knew, and it was the story he gave to his wife and friends.
Then I put him under deep hypnosis, and gave him—orally—a vital message to be delivered directly on his arrival in Japan to a certain colonel—let's say his name was Brown—of military intelligence. Outside of myself, Colonel Brown was the only person who could hypnotize Captain Smith. This is "locking." I performed it by saying to the hypnotized Captain: "Until further orders from me, only Colonel Brown and I can hypnotize you. We will use a signal phrase 'the moon is clear.' Whenever you hear this phrase from Brown or myself you will pass instantly into deep hypnosis." When Captain Smith re-awakened, he had no conscious memory or what happened in trance. All that he was aware of was that he must head for Tokyo to pick up a division report.
On arrival there, Smith reported to Brown, who hypnotized him with the signal phrase. Under hypnosis, Smith delivered my message and received one to bring back. Awakened, he was given the division report and returned home by jet. There I hypnotized him once more with the signal phrase, and he spieled off Brown's answer that had been dutifully tucked away in his unconscious mind.
The system is virtually foolproof. As exemplified by this case, the information was "locked" in Smith's unconscious for retrieval by the only two people who knew the combination. The subject had no conscious memory of what happened, so could not spill the beans. No one else could hypnotize him even iv they might know the signal phrase.
Not all applications of hypnotism to military intelligence are a tidy as that. Perhaps you have read The Three Faces of Eve. The book was based on a case reported in 1905 by Dr. Morton Prince of Massachusetts general Hospital and Harvard. He startled everyone in the field by announcing that he had cured a woman named Beauchamp of a split personality problem. Using post-hypnotic suggestion to submerge an incompatible, childlike facet of the patient, he'd been able to make two other sides of Mrs. Beauchamp compatible, and lump them together in a single cohesive personality. Clinical hypnotists throughout the world jumped on the multiple personality bandwagon as a fascinating frontier. By the 1920's, not only had they learned to apply post-hypnotic suggestion to deal with this weird problem, but also had learned how to split certain complex individuals into multiple personalities like Jeckyl-Hydes.
The potential for military intelligence has been nightmarish. During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine lieutenant I'll call Jones. Under the watchful eye of Marine Intelligence I spilt his personality into Jones A and Jones B. Jones A, once a "normal" working Marine, became entirely different. He talked communist doctrine and meant it. He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, was deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps (which was in on the plot) and became a car-carrying party member.
The joker was Jones B, the second personality, formerly apparent in the conscious Marine. Under hypnosis, this Jones had been carefully coached by suggestion. Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the thoughts of Jones A, was a loyal American, and was "imprinted" to say nothing during conscious phases.
All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist camp. It worked beautifully for months with this subject, but the technique backfired. While there was no way for an enemy to expose Jones' dual personality, they suspected it and played the same trick on us later.
The use of "waking hypnosis" in counter intelligence during World War II occasionally became so involved that it taxed even my credulity. Among the most complicated ploys used was the practice of sending perfectly normal, wide awake agent into enemy camp, after he'd been carefully coached in waking hypnosis to act the part of a potential hypnotism subject. Trained in auto-suggestion, or self-hypnosis, such a subject can pass every test used to spot a hypnotized person. Using it, he can control the rate of his heartbeat, anesthetize himself to a degree against pain of electric shock or torture.
Who is this Dick Cheney guy anyway?
The story of Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and George H.W. Bush’s rise to power in the Halloween Massacre just after two attempts on President Ford’s life and in the midst of a cover-up of CIA trauma-based mind-control programs is a strange one.


I’ll be writing the rest of this up soon, as part of my Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame series. If you can’t wait for the details, please read my outline on Twitter:


Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld updated their Scamdemic playbook of 1976 with the false flag attacks of 2001 and Anthony Fauci added his own chapter when he pulled off the COVID-19 Plandemic. This racket isn’t going to stop until we quit funding it. As long as scamdemics and plandemics make pharmaceutical companies rich, expect them to keep rolling out.
Another reason this history is so crucial at this moment is that the American public is being primed for President Liz Cheney.

On June 13, 2022, Robert Reich, who served in the Ford Administration with her father, published “Liz Cheney for President? Is she the person America will need?” On July 9, the New York Times ran “Liz Cheney’s Latest Fans: Democratic Donors.” On August 2, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz said he believes that Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) may switch political parties and run as a Democrat against former President Donald Trump.
The Deep State’s pick was telegraphed on January 6, 2022. That was the first anniversary of the FBI-orchestrated “insurrection,” that Cheneyesque event that was used to justify the most brazen attacks on First Amendment rights and expansions of the police state since his post-9/11 heyday.
It was the perfect time for Dick Cheney to make a triumphant return to public life and pass the torch to his daughter.
As the Democrats staged a victors’ history of the events of January 6th, 2021, Cheney was there with Nancy Pelosi holding his hand. She should have been serving him with subpoenas for crimes against humanity, but Cheney knew he’d be safe with her. That was established in 2007, when she became Majority Leader and blocked her own party from debating Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment against him.
The true meaning of Cheney’s victory lap at the Capitol on January 6th can only be illuminated by a reexamination of the unsolved crimes of his Vice Presidency.