This review of the landscape is timely and critical... I've been noticing that very few of those writing about the plandemic and associated stories have any focus upon HOW we got here. It's as if nothing happened before 2018, even the 2009 BIRD FLOO trial run is memory-holed for most.
When the full story emerges - and I highly recommend your HALL OF SHAME series of the website - for anyone wishing to get to grips with it, the fact that USA is now a de facto GANGSTA STATE can be taken onboard as a simple truth. Endless cronyism, corruption, purposeful malfeasance and pork barreling by BOTH sides of the phony political spectrum, this was the INCUBATOR FOR the MEDICAL MAFIYA which 2020 saw come into full bloom as the directors of a medical TERROR STATE. Which has now merged with Trimpfs Cohn/Lansky domestic mafiya, Russia's transplanted version of same, and the unHoly Land's religio/ethnic supremacists to form a cabal which will literally pull of an extinction event for the western world they despise and believe to be "Amalek."
Anyone who questions that narrative needs be advised to actually read the story of BIOPORT/EMERGENT/Dynacorp ... and the amazing rise to 'public/private partnership' ascendance of a gang of pirates who included retired IDF flyboys, arms hustlers, beneficiaries of Maggie's sell off of Englands biolabs, mercenary outfits, retired USA generals, mad scientists from all points of the compass, and a pathetic puppet POTUS reading My Little Goat to school children whilst LUCKY LARRY SILVERSTEIN scooped a 'pot o gold' into his drawers using the 'luck o the Irish' ashkenazi leprachauns for which the 'emerald island' is so renown.
Everybody a winner! Except for the thousands of USA servicemen and women who went over to Iraq with a deadly anthrax 'vaccine' squalene filled adjuvant by order of their government... and came back broken n wounded in worse ways than a war could even cause em.
This review of the landscape is timely and critical... I've been noticing that very few of those writing about the plandemic and associated stories have any focus upon HOW we got here. It's as if nothing happened before 2018, even the 2009 BIRD FLOO trial run is memory-holed for most.
When the full story emerges - and I highly recommend your HALL OF SHAME series of the website - for anyone wishing to get to grips with it, the fact that USA is now a de facto GANGSTA STATE can be taken onboard as a simple truth. Endless cronyism, corruption, purposeful malfeasance and pork barreling by BOTH sides of the phony political spectrum, this was the INCUBATOR FOR the MEDICAL MAFIYA which 2020 saw come into full bloom as the directors of a medical TERROR STATE. Which has now merged with Trimpfs Cohn/Lansky domestic mafiya, Russia's transplanted version of same, and the unHoly Land's religio/ethnic supremacists to form a cabal which will literally pull of an extinction event for the western world they despise and believe to be "Amalek."
Anyone who questions that narrative needs be advised to actually read the story of BIOPORT/EMERGENT/Dynacorp ... and the amazing rise to 'public/private partnership' ascendance of a gang of pirates who included retired IDF flyboys, arms hustlers, beneficiaries of Maggie's sell off of Englands biolabs, mercenary outfits, retired USA generals, mad scientists from all points of the compass, and a pathetic puppet POTUS reading My Little Goat to school children whilst LUCKY LARRY SILVERSTEIN scooped a 'pot o gold' into his drawers using the 'luck o the Irish' ashkenazi leprachauns for which the 'emerald island' is so renown.
Everybody a winner! Except for the thousands of USA servicemen and women who went over to Iraq with a deadly anthrax 'vaccine' squalene filled adjuvant by order of their government... and came back broken n wounded in worse ways than a war could even cause em.