THEY really had a great plan to poison and cull.

Bit by bit sickness becomes the normal.

Caring for the sick becomes the main employment opportunity.

I can see THEY almost succeeded.

We needed to see the evil THEY intended.

No one would have believed the matrix was so pervasive.

This time we win, God/good wins.

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7Liked by Alexis Baden-Mayer

We are dealing with psychopaths on a whole other level. This is beyond outrageous as if their whole mandatory injecting was not enough. I have no words, this is war, a silent pervasive war on the unknowing population. Only our creator can help us, it is more than time for warfare prayers. It is time to pray that crops that are altered with this kind of thing either fail and their seed stock fails or the genetic mutation does not work and simply reverts to it's original creation in the beginning before any of the manipulation took place. Time to get creative people. Pray over all food for the mutations to be removed if one cannot avoid it. Liked your article but that certainly does not give my consent to this as AI would have one thinking that if they touch the heart symbol they love this, I certainly do not.

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Trying to feed us SLOP! The scientists are MAD.

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